Thursday, May 21, 2009

First Day of Work Outfit

1. Freshly ironed black pants

2. Khaki short sleeved sweater

3. Black sweater

4. Black patent leather flats

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Morning Routine

This is what I do in the morning before work :

5:30 AM - get up and curse the morning, go to the bathroom

5:32 AM- put on clothes and go get coffee and a bagel with cream cheese from the lobby

5:35 AM - shower

6:00 AM- blow dry hair, put on make up, fix hair

6:30 AM - iron pants & eat breakfast

6:45 AM - put clothes on, deoderant, jewelry, etc

6: 55 AM - make a sandwich for lunch & pack up my purse

7:00 AM - listen to the radio to see if there are any wrecks on 35 or 820 yet

7:05 AM - leave for work

7:40 AM - arrive at work

7:45 AM - walk around and say hi to people at work, put lunch in the fridge, blow my nose, etc

7:50 AM - sit down and talk to Robert while he ignores me, check my to-do list, organize my desk, etc.

7:55 AM - start working on stuff

Day 2 of Internship

1. Wasted time talking with office person named Cody - he likes to ride bikes with his girlfriend, but he recently hurt his wrist so he has been taking it easy

2. Downloaded training programs onto my computer

3. Said "Hi" to Robert

4. Was informed by Mike (not the boss) that we are late for a meeting

5. Go to the meeting, which is training for all CAM's (Control Account Managers) - our boss Mike wanted us to sit in on it

6. Was introduces to CAM's, Project Managers, Software Engineers, and Program Engineers (all white males over age 50)

5. Listened to training on how to make budgets and schedules using different computer programs

6. Listen to a heated argument about who REALLY controls the schedule
Other arguments: why do we need approval for changes to the schedule? Why does corporate keep changing the schedules? Why can't we be more like Lockheed Martin? Why can't engineers control the world? Why does corporate always come down here and tell me how to do my job even though I'm the master of the universe?

7. Ate a chicken sandwich that I brought for lunch with an orange and 2 diet cokes

8. Listened to training on variances in budgets and actual numbers, critical manufacturing paths, and date constraints

9. Listened to more pointless arguments about how to categorize schedules and who is really the master of the schedule

10. Ate a cookie provided by the trainers

11. Set up direct deposit for my checks and recorded the hours I worked

Robert's fashion tip of the day: plaid pants with a vertical striped shirt and a horizontal striped tie

First Day

Here is what I did my first day on the job:

1. Had security orientation with Jessica
- Got a security badge to let me in the doors
- Got a security code to let me in the doors
- Instructions: if a stranger asks me questions about BAE I have to report it, if a stranger calls me at work and asks questions I have to report it
- I am not allowed to look at classified documents
- classified documents are not allowed to leave the building, be thrown away
- no cameras are allowed in the building

2. Terry the IT guy set up my computer (more on Terry later)

3. Met with the boss - Mike & talked about the business and stuff he wants us to do
- Mike wants Robert (other intern) to make graphs and wants me to make a calendar of birthdays and vacation time (so challenging)

4. Read manual on labor reporting policies

5. Ate horrible meat loaf lunch from the basement cafeteria - then when to the basement convenient store to buy a coke. I made friends with the sweet Asian woman who works there. She told me she would give me a good recipe for chicken salad, because we both love it. She just got out of the hospital. She went to the hospital because she stopped taking vitamins (or that's what she claimed). She has worked in the basement for 25 years and likes to go see movies in the afternoon because they are cheaper.

6. Read a manual on Ethics & Earned Value Management

7. Got forms signed by a different guy named Mike and overnighted them to HR in New Hampshire

8. Set up my office phone with voice mail

9. Visited with Mark (Amy's dad) - he recommended another manual to read called Operational Framework

10. Printed Operational Framework manual and began reading

Robert's Fastion tip of the Day: corduroy pants

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just Kidding - Friday's

Just kidding about Friday's....when I work on Friday I work until 4:30 PM...not half a day. Bummer.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

List of Days Off

Here are the Fridays that I have off:
*May 29th
*June 12th
*June 26th
*July 3rd
*July 10th
*July 24th
*August 7th

Also, I have this Monday May 25th off for Memorial Day!

All other Fridays I just work half a day.