Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Morning Routine

This is what I do in the morning before work :

5:30 AM - get up and curse the morning, go to the bathroom

5:32 AM- put on clothes and go get coffee and a bagel with cream cheese from the lobby

5:35 AM - shower

6:00 AM- blow dry hair, put on make up, fix hair

6:30 AM - iron pants & eat breakfast

6:45 AM - put clothes on, deoderant, jewelry, etc

6: 55 AM - make a sandwich for lunch & pack up my purse

7:00 AM - listen to the radio to see if there are any wrecks on 35 or 820 yet

7:05 AM - leave for work

7:40 AM - arrive at work

7:45 AM - walk around and say hi to people at work, put lunch in the fridge, blow my nose, etc

7:50 AM - sit down and talk to Robert while he ignores me, check my to-do list, organize my desk, etc.

7:55 AM - start working on stuff

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