Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rayla's Wedding

I was looking up directions for my time in Houston and thought I would post. The place looks really pretty! The pictures are I can't post them on here, but the website is here:

The wedding is in the chapel and the reception is in a building across the way from the chapel. It looks really nice. It is about an hour and a half from the airport. I'm staying at the Holiday Inn Express which is about 30 minutes north from the wedding. Last time I talked to Rayla, she said there would be a bus from the hotel to and from the wedding. So hopefully I can just ride there, or I guess Clare can take me too.

I'm excited about my Houston vacation! First trip of 2010!! I will post pictures when I get back.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I found this neat quote about prayer:

"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you." - St Augustine

I don't really know who St August was (or is), but I liked this quote. I was looking for quotes because I've been trying to be more in prayer. I think prayer is the most important part of spirituality. Part of my New Years Resolutions.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to Blogging

I've decided to renew writing in my blog. Julie & Julia the movie has inspired me.

I'll open with a couple pictures!

Here is Loosie with her Santa suit on. So cute!! She hates it though. It took many treats and trickery to get her to stop trying to tear it off long enough for a picture.

And here is a picture of the work that I have been laboring over. These are surveys about twitter. My boss is writing a paper over twitter as used in Marketing. So I've been entering all these surveys into a database for analysis.

I've been working at Tony's house. Loosie has been playing fetch with me while I work.

Good night and more to follow!!!