Saturday, January 16, 2010

Personal Financing

Today I started my work for my personal financing course. Each week we have to read 2 recommended articles and talk about it in an online chat room.

This week's article was really good! I thought that you might find it interesting. It is about money values, or "money personality."

The link to the article is here:

Check it out!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Art Museum at San Antonio

Here are some pictures from the McNay Art Museum in San Antonio.

Here is Clare trying to interpret some art.

Here is a really pretty sculpture:

Here is an original Picasso!! I had never seen one before! San Antonio just had one! I think this is a picture of his girlfriend. I like it a lot.

This is a wall of peacock art that was in the building. The museum was an old converted mansion that looked like a Spanish villa. It was really beautiful. The woman (McNay) who originally owned the home collected New Mexican art. The entire place reminded me of New Mexico.

Here is the beautiful patio in the middle of the museum. It was pretty cold, so we didn't spend much time here.

Houston Pictures

Here is a picture of the chapel that Rayla got married in. It was really pretty! The chapel was pretty much full so there were about 160 people there. Amy and I handed out programs at the front.

Here is a picture of Rayla and Andrew practicing the wedding. They went ahead and practiced the vows which was kind of weird. In the foreground is the grandpa that Amy and I walked down the aisle.

Here is a picture of Amy and Madison at the rehearsal. So cute. She had on a purple dress under her cardigan.

Here is a picture of the bride with her bridesmaids. From the left the bridesmaids are: Courtney (friend from nursing school), Britney Vander Hey (RSC friend), Julianne (best friend from high school, maid of honor, an undergrad in my marketing class last semester), Cousin (don't know her name), Becky (friend from high school, dated Andrew before he met Rayla). I hung out with Courtney a lot at the reception. She is really sweet. I knew her from before...she hung out with us when we hung out with all those boys. She graduated from nursing school a year ago and is a nurse in the Dallas area. She doesn't like it because she works the night shift so she is tired all the time. And she misses her friends. But she is really cute, so lots of boys danced with her all night. I was glad for her.

After this picture this was taken, Rayla and Andrew had their photo taken holding hands with their eyes closed. They didn't see each other before the ceremony, but they took really cute pictures by putting their hands out in front of them with their eyes closed. It was a really cute idea.

This is a picture of Amy and Madison at the reception right after we ate dinner.

Here is a picture of Amelia and her fiance. Amelia is Rayla and Amy's friend from nursing school, and I've hung out with her several times. The couple was at our table for the reception so we had a really good table (me, Clare, Amy, Madison, Amelia, her man). They are getting married this year on June 12th and Amy is one of the bridesmaids. They were really nice. I hadn't met her fiance before, but he was really cute. They are getting married in Lubbock at the "Allen house." I don't know what that is.