Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Night

Good News! My weekend assignment was delayed until Monday. So I just have to study a little bit tonight, and can spread it out throughout the weekend. I'm studying at Tony's house. We got Papa Murphy's pizza. We had coupons and it is alot cheaper than delivery, and we like it because we can pick out everything on our pizza. A large pepperoni is only $5.00. Tony's slices have all meat (sausage, hamburger, canadian bacon, and pepperoni)....ridiculous. My slices have all veggies (spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, green peppers). Yum! You buy the pizza raw and cook it in the oven for like 15 minutes.

While I study, Tony is working on his fishtank. The fishtank of glory that he bought recently is not precisely how he wants it. So he is constructing his own fish tank stand. When I arrived at his house, he had purchased tons of wood and was nailing it together in his tiny backyard area. After my study time, I'm going to use the internet to look up ways to deal with the fact that he is obsessed with his fish tank. Possible subject for pre-marital counseling. The first picture is of his fishtank now...then the following are pictures of the wood and his new construction.

Loosie is sleeping on my snuggie tonight. She didn't have any pizze, but she did have some pepperoni that fell on the ground. When Tony uses his drill, she barks at him.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Playing Professor

Today, Dr Rinaldo went out of town. So I showed a movie in her a sub. The movie was about the ethics of marketing to children. Here are pictures of the class watching the movie. I tried to sneak the picture so they wouldn't be creeped out by me.

The movie was pretty interesting. It is scary to realize the way marketers are reaching kids. Sponge Bob was particularly effective. Children now have Sponge Bob cereal, macaroni, bed linens, backpacks and school supplies, toys, etc! If I have children then will never watch tv or use the internet. They will play outside and read classic novels or non-fiction books on the New York Times Bestseller list.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Today I finally picked up the trivets I painted at Art Avenue for Mallory's birthday. It is one of those places where you paint ceramics. They turned out pretty good!