Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Best Day of Internship So Far

Weather: 75 degrees, rainy


1. Slept in until 6 AM because I showered and ironed my pants the night before

2. Got to work early and had fruit for breakfast

3. Got my project done at 11:59! (It was due at noon)

4. Met with my boss (Mike) and his boss (also named Mike) to work on my project - we discussed whether or not parents should allow kids to read vampire romance novels like Twilight. We also discussed how evil Hollywood celebrities are trying to teach the next generation that God doesn't exist.

5. Didn't speak to Robert all day

6. Re-worked my project a couple times

7. Over heard other workers talking about how they used my project!!!!

8. Met the real boss of the whole Fort Worth office (Carl)

9. Read an organizational structure manual

10. Drove home & listened to news

11. Watched the Fort Worth storm from the hotel

Robert's Fashion Tip of the Day: business casual = no more neck ties!!

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